One of the best holiday traditions is decorating the Christmas tree. People do this every year because it’s fun and a chance for the entire family to get involved in hanging beautiful decorations around the house. And paper Christmas ornaments are one way to go about it. That's why we introduce you guys our newest product: HOLIDAY PAPER ORNAMENT CUTTING CRAFT!

Pikachu Christmas - 3D Pop-up Light Box Ornament File

Paper Christmas ornaments are a creative way to dress up your tree, and the best part is choosing the colors and patterns. These days you can find all sorts of paper ornament kits at craft stores, but it’s also easy to make them yourself with the paper you already have around the house!

Bulbasaur Christmas - 3D Pop-up Light Box Ornament File

Here we’ll look at how easy it is to handle DIY projects involving paper. You just have to choose the project that’s right for you. If your kids want to help you with this activity, all the better.

Angel - 3D Pop-up Light Box Ornament File - Cricut File

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